[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 3×23: “Finish Line”

We wrap up Flashcaps today with the Season Three finale before taking off till June. In the meantime, please root for the Saints tomorrow ’cause we want to get to the Super Bowl, baby! Enjoy this recap of CW’s The Flash.

Picking up from last week. Iris is dead…OR IS SHE?!

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 3×22: “Infantino Street”

FLASH FACT: The titular street in this episode was named after the late Carmine Infantino, the man who designed Barry’s Flash costume and who was one of the architects of DC’s Silver Age. I love it when the show does this stuff. Enjoy this recap of CW’s The Flash.

Quick note: I’m not doing anything like the first King Shark episode because it’d have to come from Jaws 2 and, while I might be the only person in existence who is able to quote some of the lines from that movie, there’s really not a monologue that fits or is long enough from it.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 3×21: “Cause and Effect”

Yes, this is a week late. I had the stomach flu and then George caught it. We’re better now. Enjoy this recap of CW’s The Flash.

Okay, home stretch. C’mon, Flash, hit it out of the park…

*watches the episode*

…or, you know, dribble it back to the pitcher for the easy out. That’s a valid strategy, I suppose.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 3×19: “The Once and Future Flash”

A possible major VFX error gives George a coronary in this week’s recap of CW’s The Flash.

This week starts with Barry figuring out that he needs to travel to 2024 to get his answers. Iris is in the room with him, but she’s distant. She makes Barry promise that if Savitar does kill her, that he’ll be there for Joe. Barry promises, but then the alarm at S.T.A.R. Labs cuts the conversation off.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 3×18: “Abra Kadabra”

Your friendly neighborhood producer Dayna would like to remind you all that if someone asks you not to take off their necklace, you say YES! Enjoy this recap of the CW’s The Flash.

The opening dives right into the action with Abra Kadabra introducing himself to the security guards at the soon-to-be-shuttered Stagg Industries. He’s working the magician gimmick so hard I’m surprised he didn’t appear looking like this:

Just want to add a quick “fuck you” to my brain for making me remember Phantasio.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 3×17: “Duet”

I THOUGHT I WAS DONE WITH MON-EL GODDAMMIT I am fine and calm, everything is normal, how are you, please enjoy this recap of CW’s The Flash.

Oh hey, this episode is a crossover with Supergirl Season Two. *yells across the room* Dayna, honey, how was that season?

*incoherent screaming can be heard all the way in Ohio*

She says no comment.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 3×16: “Into the Speed Force”

Speed Force Representative sounds like something speedsters should put on their résumés on this week’s recap of CW’s The Flash.

We start this episode with Barry deciding that he’s got to go back into the Speed Force to get Wally.

That was fast.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 3×15: “The Wrath of Savitar”

It’s my husband’s and my anniversary today so I’m gonna be lazy with the intro. Enjoy this recap of CW’s The Flash.

I owe you all an apology. I’ve been slacking on these reviews, and while I have many justifications, I don’t really have a good reason. At the end of the day, I’m afraid these aren’t very good and I’m doing this show that so many people love a disservice by being endlessly negative about it. I think part of the problem is that doing an episode every two weeks kills any momentum I have, so I’m going to try to start getting these out once a week from now on. Damn the fears, full speed ahead and whatnot…I have no idea what the fuck I’m saying.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 3×14: “Attack On Central City”

George says I’m not allowed to make any more “Africa” jokes so this episode is just going to focus on the gorilla your dreams. Enjoy this recap of CW’s The Flash.

Ah, Valentine’s Day. Some view it as a romantic holiday and look forward to sharing it with someone special every year. Some view it as a cheap, exploitative money grab concocted by the Hallmark corporation. Either way you see it, I think we can all agree that it lends itself towards super-lame episodes of TV, second only to Christmas/holiday episodes in terms of emotional manipulation centered around a specific date or season.

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