Lightning may not have given him abs, but Kevin is here to talk about his new favorite show. Strap yourselves into your Cosmic Treadmills, ’cause we’re taking a look at CW’s The Flash.

I’ll start out by saying that I don’t really keep up with Arrow. I had seen a couple episodes before this, and I’ve gone back and watched the Flash crossover episodes (and then I went back to some of the rest on Netflix afterwards), but I have trouble really getting into it. It’s dark and melodramatic and I’m sure it’s very good, but it hasn’t been holding my interest nearly as much as it could be.
(I’ll probably watch it anyway, though. At some point.)
I also do not really read that many comics, not like some of the ladies here1 do. All I know about the Flash comes from the animated Bruce Timmverse (which is Wally West), Young Justice2 (which has all four Flashes at one point), the 1990 series that I used to watch with my mom, and a couple of friends who are really into speedsters so I’ve picked some stuff up from proximity.
(I also am caught up with the series, as well – as of this writing, the most recent episode was 2×23, “The Race of His Life”, so until my writing catches up with the airing, this is a rewatch, rather than a first-watch review.)
But! Anyway. Let’s talk about a show that’s been on for two years, but I’m only now3 starting to get into it. Let’s talk The Flash.
The episode may be old, but spoiler warnings are still in full effect after the cut.
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