(cue the theme song from The Beverly Hillbillies)
This week I watched three movies ‘bout a Detroit cop,
a fast talkin’ guy whose antics wouldn’t stop.
The bad guys went and made his friend a ghost
so he chased them all the way out to the west coast.
Under cover. No jurisdiction.
He made some new friends and then returned home,
but then the sequel saw to it that he couldn’t roam.
His west coast buddy, he took a round or three
and Axel found himself headed back to Beverly.
Sensing a pattern. Maybe he should just move.
His boss was the next one to meet his end.
It sure is dangerous to be this guy’s friend.
The crooks fled the country to find some more thrills.
Just kidding, we all know they went to Beverly Hills.
One movie too many. Trying too hard.
Bound to be a reboot soon, y’hear?
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