written by K.C. White
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written by Sabra Schirm
Before I begin, I want to preface this by saying that I didn’t grow up reading Marvel comics. Or DC comics…or any comics, really.
[ducks jar of bees]
This wasn’t out of lack of interest so much as lack of exposure to people who read them and places that carried them. The few times I did get a hold of some comics, they were of the Ren and Stimpy/Betty and Veronica variety, and…well, they were all right at the time, but didn’t really encourage me to seek out anything else.
That said, you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that I don’t actually have decades of Marvel comic canon to draw on in terms of dissecting this series as it relates both to comic and Netflix/MCU canon. What I do have, however, are a handful of friends who do have the decades of canon to draw on, as well as a deep, abiding love of the Jessica Jones Netflix series. Not the same, I know, but hopefully enough to make these recaps interesting.
So. Let’s get on with it, shall we?
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