[Review] Jessica Jones Episode 1×09: “Sin Bin”

written by Jamus

“For what will it profit a woman if she gains the whole world and forfeits her soul? Or what shall a man give in return for her soul?” (Matthew 16:26)

Modified from its original context and choice of gender…but I find it wildly appropriate for this review. The ninth episode of Jessica Jones shows that the series is starting to speed up. Desperation, extreme measures, and a major secret reveal some surprising truths about Jessica’s past actions. Have a look at this one; the devil’s in the details.

A fairly heavy spoiler is revealed. Ye be warned, faint of heart.
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[Review] Jessica Jones Episode 1×08: “WWJD?”

written by Jamus

I’ll get right to it on this one. This episode was fantastic, and it’s my current favorite in the entire series up until this point. Get yourselves in here if you want my full breakdown on the goings-on, but I definitely recommend giving this one a watch before you do. Enjoy your latest Saturday as we have a look at Marvel’s Jessica Jones, Episode 8.

Spoilers, not so much. Read at your own risk as always.
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[Review] Jessica Jones Episode 1×07: “Top Shelf Perverts”

written by Jamus

Oh, Lordy. Look who found his way into Jessica’s house! No, literally. He’s in your base, using your toilet, claiming your banana breads, and…yeah, killing your manz. Episode 7 starts off with a bit of a shocker and launches Jessica into this sort of “insane crazy plan” mode for the rest of it. There will be tears and frustrations and laughs abound. Let’s have a look at Marvel’s Jessica Jones, Episode 7.

Spoilers ahoy!
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[Review] Jessica Jones Episode 1×06: “You’re A Winner”

written by Jamus

Well, Episode 6 opened up in a smoky room. I could hazard a guess that the smells of wine and cheap perfume were thick in that room – maybe not that cheap. Playing that sort of game, well, some will win and some will lose, and some like the poor fellow with the cigar were just born to sing the blues.

As for poor Jessica, this episode will have her livin’ for emotion, but her actions might lead her to hidin’ somewhere in the night. My references here don’t end. They’ll go on and on and on and on.

Now that I’ve officially pissed off Dayna*, let’s move into Episode 6 of Marvel’s Jessica Jones.

No world-ending spoilers this time…but always read at your own risk!
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[Review] Jessica Jones Episode 1×05: “The Sandwich Saved Me”

written by Jamus

I do always love it when a plan comes together. It’s even more fascinating when this plan has the potential to develop horrible flaws at the last possible moment and crumble like the fluff from your dryer vent. I do also know that an audience hates it when the writer blathers on and on and doesn’t get to the meat of the review that he’s banging on about. Jessica Jones. By those crazies at Marvel. Episode 5. It has sammiches. Let’s have a bite.

No world-ending spoilers this time…but always read at your own risk!
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[Review] Jessica Jones Episode 1×04: “99 Friends”

written by Jamus

Aww, now look at that – Episode 4 was way better. See now, Marvel? You can make good media if you just put your mind to it! We finally have a few threads on possible future developments, we have a doozy of a character twist that could become very interesting, and Jessica finally decides to change her brand of whiskey to…something…that isn’t particularly outstanding.

Well, two out of three ain’t bad, as the man who is also a Meatloaf likes to say. Welcome to Made Of Fail’s review of Jessica Jones, Episode 4, “99 Friends.”

Larger spoilers here, just as powerful as the smaller ones.
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[Review] Jessica Jones Episode 1×03: “It’s Called Whiskey”

written by Jamus

Well, we can dispense with the swooning, I guess. We’re well past that stage now. Oh, come on. You kids need to quiet down with all the noise you’re generating from the friction of those bums of yours. No, don’t do that, you’ll break the be–SEE?! What did I just tell you?

A few other things get broken in this, Episode 3 of Jessica Jones: bed frames, hearts, microphones, household objects, and a few other details that I’d rather have remained intact. Let’s have a look at the damage.

There be spoilers here, yar.
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[Review] Jessica Jones Episode 1×02: “Crush Syndrome”

written by Jamus

You know, I think I keep getting chicken cordon bleu confused with chicken parmesan. I mean, they’re both delicious if they’re done right, really. Similar preparation with the flattening of chicken breasts with a tenderizer, use of bread crumbs for a crispy exterior, great with Swiss cheese. This nonsense about salmonella is completely unfounded if you’re actually bothering to cook the damned things properly in an oven that roasts everything anyways, and…

Sorry, lost my train of thought for a second. Welcome back to Marvel’s Jessica Jones. There be very minor spoilers herein.
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[Review] Jessica Jones Episode 1×01: “Ladies Night”

written by Jamus

Hello, Made Of Fail.

So a little while ago, I was approached by Dayna to review a show I’d never heard of – not from beyond the rumblings from Netflix, at least. After a discussion where she ended up accusing me of being a lazy moo and not knowing a good show if it bit me on the eyelids, I eventually agreed to become the newest reviewer for you fine people and to dive into something different – Marvel’s Jessica Jones. It should be noted that I’m going into this assignment with the perspective of a newcomer. Besides the fact that this is another branch of the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe, I know nothing about this show. No, I don’t know what a Jessica Jones is, and I don’t know what a Kilgrave is besides him being portrayed by a former Time Lord (David Tennant).

So now I resign myself to nestling into the couch, stiff drink in hand, safe from the sudden blizzard that arrived only yesterday and has stayed for an extra period of play as the opening credits begin to roll. The nerve of Dayna, honestly. Thinking on making me watch something that I might enjoy with crime and noir-ish overtones, and…oh. Oh, dear. That man has just been thrown through a pane of door glass, and now he’s being berated in a comical manner. Now the dead of night is already settled over New York and there’re mysteries to be solved, and…

Well, I might be here a while.

Let’s begin, shall we?

There be spoilers within.
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