[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 3.16 – “Revenging Angel”

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Revenging Angel

When D’Argo attacks Crichton in a fit of Hyper-Rage, he finds himself dealing with a coma in a world of his own creation. Meanwhile, on the outside, D’Argo’s new ship threatens to blow up, scattering Moya’s atoms across the galaxy.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 3.15 – “Infinite Possibilit​ies Part II: Icarus Abides”

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Infinite Possibilities Part II: Icarus Abides

Jack and Crichton complete the wormhole weapon for use against the Scarrans, only for Furlow to show her true colors. With Jack out of the way, she makes her move to deliver the weapon to the Scarrans while John and Aeryn try frantically to stop her.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 3.14 – “Infinite Possibilit​ies Part I: Daedalus Demands”

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Infinite Possibilities Part I: Daedalus Demands

In which Crichton receives a summons from the alien called Jack, and attempts to prevent wormhole technology from falling into the wrong hands.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 3.13 – “Scratch ‘n Sniff”

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Scratch ‘n Sniff

Moya and Pilot kick the crew off the ship because they’re tired of the constant bickering and want ten days to themselves in peace. On the surface of a nonstop party planet, Crichton and D’Argo get their drinks spiked and their money stolen, while Jool and Chiana are doped up and lured into the mansion of the local drug lord, who sees them as nothing more than fresh ingredients for yet more drugs.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 3.12 – “Meltdown”

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The radiation of a nearby star draws Talyn in like a moth. As Crais and crew work to pull Talyn back from a fiery death, Talyn’s vaporized adrenaline is playing with everyone’s impulses. Just as nobody thinks it can get worse, Stark has a plan

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 3.11 – “Incubator”

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When the efforts of Scorpius’ wormhole team prove fruitless, Scorpius decides to use a more… unconventional method to extract the data from the neural chip. Meanwhile, one of his own scientists sneaks away, offering what she knows to John Crichton… for a price.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 3.10 – “Relativity”

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In which Talyn lands in a vine-infested swamp to take a recuperative snooze, and winds up missing Zhalax Sun’s arrival, bounty hunters playing Hide and Go Seek with Crichton and Crais in the swamp, and his own partial lobotomization.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 3.09 – “Losing Time”

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Losing Time

When the crew of Moya starts experiences blackouts and lost time, they learn a rogue energy being is among their number and have to sort out which of them is possessed by it. They’re told this by another energy being, who’s in possession of Pilot.

Meanwhile, Scorpius is having wormhole troubles.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 3.08 – “Green Eyed Monster”

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Green Eyed Monster

While Talyn recuperates from the Peacekeeper attack, his new crew has to deal with the sudden appearance of a deadly monster that threatens to destroy them all.

Oh, and they get eaten by a Budong, too.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 3.07 – “Thanks for Sharing”

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Thanks for Sharing

Still dealing with the double Crichtons and the injured Crais and Talyn, our heroes cautiously stop at a sebacian colony in the hopes of aquiring an expensive substance needed to heal Talyn. Unfortunately, their reputation preceeds them, and the local ruler is terrified that the presence of these space pirates means a potential overthrow of the government is in the planning stages.