New post at Deconstructing Moya!
In which Dorothy returns to Kansas, but accidentally kills Auntie Em in the process. Now she’s striving to right what once went wrong, and hoping that her next leap will be the leap home.
New post at Deconstructing Moya!
In which Dorothy returns to Kansas, but accidentally kills Auntie Em in the process. Now she’s striving to right what once went wrong, and hoping that her next leap will be the leap home.
New post at Deconstructing Moya!
While on a spacewalk to experience the opening of a wormhole up close, John is sucked into the vortex where he’s confronted by an interdimensional being who wants to kill him to prevent wormhole knowledge from being misused.
New post at Deconstructing Moya!
When a mechanic is found that can upgrade Moya to survive in Tormented Space, things are looking up – until an opportunistic doctor infects everyone with a fatal disease. He’s willing to trade the antidote for large bags of money, but Crichton and Company must move quickly, because anyone caught with similar symptoms will be shot on sight…
New post at Deconstructing Moya!
After Moya stops to rest over a feudalistic society, everyone gets caught up in clan warfare. But when a recent murder is linked to Our Heroes, things start taking a nasty turn…
New post at Deconstructing Moya!
In which most of our heroes get captured offscreen and John McCrichton has to rescue them from Axikor Gruber.
New post at Deconstructing Moya!
John and Chiana get stuck in a virtual reality game while Scorpius causes a spot of trouble on Moya.
No. No no no no no, you can’t make me follow Tessa. Did you see that thing she wrote? That was amazing! The pinnacle of self-talking-ness! There’s no good way to follow th- we’re live?
Hello, ladies.
What is your role in Made of Fail Productions?
I am a Deconstructor of Moya, filling the role of “guy who loves the series to death and is totally looking forward to this week’s review because it’s going to be nuts.” (“John Quixote“, guys. It’s this season’s acid trip.) I am the emergency backup guy, kept in a spare closet for those times when a man is required for a difficult, dangerous, or slightly humbling task. I’ve done some camera work for the show. The director for that piece was fantastic, very specific in what he’s looking for, would definitely work with him again. And I’ve been brought in a couple of times as a resident expert on the World of Warcraft. By “expert” I mean “I play the game a lot”, and by “resident” I mean “where did Sunday go?”
I am also the wielder of the Beard of Destiny. It is a heavy burden, but one that I carry with pride.
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New post at Deconstructing Moya!
When observing a wormhole, Moya is caught by a ship-eating fungus that drifts through space. As it tears its way through the Leviathan, the crew tries to balance repairing the ship with repairing their own relationships…
New post at Deconstructing Moya!
Upon returning to Moya, Crichton and company are immediately greeted by Aeryn. Unfortunately, she’s extremely ill, getting worse, and is being hunted across the Unknown Regions. What’s worse is that she’s not alone…
New post at Deconstructing Moya!
“Lava’s a Many Splendored Thing”
In which our heroes find themselves with a case of Noranti-induced food poisoning and make an emergency pit stop on an inhospitable volcanic world. Rygel’s treasure finding sense tingles, and he stumbles across a vast trove of someone’s treasure. Naturally, there are traps, thieves, and a neat new technology.