[Review] Legends of Tomorrow Episode 1×01: “Pilot, Part One”

written by Kate Danvers and Matthew Finneman

I got two reviews of the new DC television series, Legends of Tomorrow, from two different people over the weekend, so in the interest of fairness, I’ll be posting them both just this once. Kate and Matt will be alternating episode reviews and they’ll be going up every Friday.


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[Review] Fallout 4

Fallout 4: Synth and Synthability
written by Kate Danvers

“War…war never changes.” -Fallout narrator
“Wheeeeeee! Explosions!” -Kate Danvers

War may not change, but the Fallout series definitely does. Once a third-person top-down RPG, the series has changed with the times to become a first-person shooty action adventure RPG. The basic mechanics are still there in an evolved form, and the themes remain, but there have been vast changes even from 2008’s Fallout 3 and 2010’s Fallout: New Vegas. Some changes are good, some are bad, most just take time to get used to, but overall the game is a solid experience.
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[Review] Life Is Strange

written by Kate Danvers

The first part of this review will contain very mild general spoilers. At a certain point, I’ll give a warning before I go into massive spoilers and discuss my feelings on them.

“If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?”

Life Is Strange touches on themes of fate, destiny, and desperately trying to change outcomes. While other games have used time manipulation mechanics to give platforming, adventuring, and combat a new twist, Life Is Strange uses it to tell a deep emotional story. It’s one of the best narrative-based games I’ve ever played and I intend to play it again as soon as the shock from the ending wears off.
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