[Review] Stardew Valley

written by Kate Danvers

It’s easy to put games these days into a certain genre: simulator, FPS, action, adventure, sports, RPG, walking simulator, racing, and over-priced collector’s edition bookend. When we’re not sure of the genre, sometimes we fall back on descriptions reliant on popular or well-known games: “like Minecraft but…” In reviewing Stardew Valley, I struggle with putting it into a genre. Maybe “farming RPG”, but many describe it as “like Harvest Moon but…”

In my case: like Harvest Moon, but I actually played this game.
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[Editorial] Arrow and Unwanted Character Death

written by Kate Danvers

Let’s get the big spoiler and the impetus of this editorial out of the way first. Arrow has been teasing a major death since the beginning of its fourth season. On the April 6th episode, after a season of near-death experiences for several characters, the big death happened.
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[Editorial] Crisis of Infinite Reboots

written by Kate Danvers

“Our goal is never to be in a position where we are restarting, relaunching a line, ever again. Quite the opposite. What we really want to do is build on what we created from the launch of New 52, take what existed beforehand, integrate that in, to give us the best interpretations of the characters that organically move forward, and are all part of one big continuity, that is DC Comics.”

You might think those words are from Geoff Johns as part of his announcement of DC’s new “Rebirth” event, but they’re not. That quote’s from Dan DiDio…last July.
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