[Review] Legends of Tomorrow Episode 2×08: “The Chicago Way”

written by Kate Danvers


Fresh off defending the Earth against an invasion, the Legends travel to 1920s Chicago to fix a time aberration. This is going to be about as historically accurate as that old Bugs Bunny cartoon “The Unmentionables”, isn’t it?
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[Review] Legends of Tomorrow Episode 2×06: “Outlaw Country”

written by Kate Danvers


Yeehaw! It’s another Wild West adventure for them Legend folk. So saddle up, cowpokes, and…something something six-shooter blah blah tarnation…you know, for someone who likes Western clichés, I’m really bad with the lingo.
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[Review] Legends of Tomorrow Episode 2×01: “Out of Time”

written by Kate Danvers


Last season on Legends of Tomorrow reviews…

“Weary, can you write a review of Legends of Tomorrow episode 1?”
“I guess I could maybe come up with–”
“Great! I need it by tomorrow. kthx love you bye!”

“Weary, I need you to review the whole season now.”
“How did you even get this number? I’m in Witness Protec–”
“You rock, bye!”

“Oh beautiful and benevolent review goddess, I humbly request that you review Season Two. Grant us your amazing puns and smite the mischaracterization, plot holes, and bad science!”
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[Editorial] And Then the Heroes Fight

written by Kate Danvers

This year saw the release of two big superhero films where their primary selling point was a battle between beloved superheroes. Any comic book fan will tell you this is nothing new – heroes fight all the time. It’s an exhausted trope in the medium, so much so that “and then the heroes fight” has become a joke. When it’s done right, it can make for an interesting conflict between sympathetic characters while maintaining their heroic status. When it’s done poorly, one or both heroes have to be reduced to villain status and someone is going to need a retcon or a mindwipe to make them even remotely likable again.
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