[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 2×20: “Rupture”

Have you seen this plushie? Contact Becky if you have, and meanwhile, here’s this week’s recap of CW’s The Flash.


Okay, so I missed reviewing the last episode because I was at Dragon*Con meeting John Wesley Shipp and Rick Cosnett (#ProtectEddieThawne2017) in person. This is probably for the best because the villain that week was Griffin Grey, and that unlocks my rants about The Flash: Fastest Man Alive‘s story arc and how to do 90% of your Flash writing wrong. Starting with– nope. Not doing that.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 2×19: “Back To Normal”

It’s all George this week on Flashcaps because Becky was at Dragon*Con ACTUALLY MEETING JOHN WESLEY SHIPP OMG anyway while I die of jealousy read this recap of CW’s The Flash.

This week, I’m riding solo.

No, I said riding so– wait, never mind, I don’t want to see the pic that comes after that.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 2×18: “Versus Zoom”

Where does one even get life-sized cardboard cutouts of an otherdimensional serial killer’s dead parents? This question and more goes completely unanswered in this week’s recap of CW’s The Flash.


We start this week with the origin of Hunter Zolomon.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 2×17: “Flash Back”

I’d like to see you guys try to come up with clever introductory text while you’re not feeling all that well, is all I’m saying before this week’s recap of CW’s The Flash.


So we kick off the episode with Barry regretting how once again Barry has messed up by trusting the wrong person. The wrong villain speedster.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 2×14: “Escape From Earth-2”

This week, I heartily recommend this Season Two episode, although you might find the ending a little disheartening. I’m glad we had this little heart-to-heart before getting into this recap of CW’s The Flash.


Welcome back to the heartwrenching conclusion to the Earth-2 storyline.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 2×13: “Welcome To Earth-2”

So it occurs to me that an alternate universe version of Joe West could theoretically be called a “poppelgänger” and you can’t fire me I’m the boss. Enjoy this recap of CW’s The Flash.


So it’s time for the fun Elseworlds issue…uh, I mean episode of The Flash. There’s a 1940s retro aesthetic in the alternate universe of Earth-2, but more advanced technology than Team Flash has access to on Earth-1.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 2×12: “Fast Lane”

This week’s Flashcap is about family – what makes it, what breaks it, and why you probably shouldn’t go to a drag race undercover to yell at your long-lost younger brother on this week’s recap of CW’s The Flash.


Come ‘ere, young’uns, let ol’ Grampy George tell you ’bout the first internet debate he was a part of, just before the turn of the century.

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[Review] The Flash (2014) Episode 2×11: “The Reverse-Flash Returns”

This week’s Flashcap says goodbye to Kevin and Bethany’s reign of tyranny and welcomes Becky and George’s reign of tyranny! Both sides are clearly just as bad here on CW’s The Flash.


It’s nice to have the episode intro narrative kick off with Barry acknowledging that he’s been putting off dealing with things, which he still does even as he narrates, patrolling the city for small crimes instead of confronting the more active issues in his life, like Patty, his family, Zoom, etc. As much as it can sometimes be frustrating as a viewer, I also appreciate that the characters are imperfect people, because for the most part, the show does eventually get around to calling the behavior out.

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