In Memoriam – Wes Craven

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Wes Craven has died after a battle with brain cancer. He was 76.

I don’t know what to say right now. I’m crying and I’m heartbroken. Not only was Wes Craven a genius in his field, he was also, from all accounts, one of the kindest men in the film industry.

I first saw the original Nightmare On Elm Street in 1985, when I was five years old. I have had nightmares about Freddy Krueger ever since. For all my life I’ve dreamed weird, full senses active, that sort of thing. I’m capable of feeling pain in my dreams. It’s pretty fucked up.

I had always dreamed of sitting down with Wes Craven and discussing dream theory and nightmares with him. I’ve wanted to have my dreams studied. I owe a lifelong fascination with dreams and nightmares to the films of Wes Craven.

Scream, of course, was brilliant and completely rewrote the rules of the horror genre. Nearly every horror movie since has become self-aware, its protagonists having grown up with horror movies like Wes’.

Horror has lost a titan and a friend. And we’re all a little poorer for having lost a man who showed us how to be strong and fight the demons in our heads.

Rest in peace, Wes. Thank you for all the times you scared the holy living shit out of me.

Please donate to the American Cancer Society in his memory at

[Review] The Posthuman Project

written by Dayna Abel

I have written before, at great length, about my views on the modern take on superheroes. I grew up around my father’s collection of Bronze and Silver Age comics, and it should be no great shock to know that my preference in superheroes trends more towards actual heroism rather than the grim-and-gritty fare that’s so pervasive in modern comics.

Call me old-fashioned or naïve if you like, but I like to come out of a superhero story feeling hopeful. Inspired to do good. Not, you know, tallying up property damage or readjusting my eyes to actual color. When I saw the Batman v Superman trailer last month, my instant reaction was revulsion at its sheer bleakness. There was no hope or joy. I saw plenty of super, but no hero. Hope and joy, something to aspire to…isn’t that what superheroes are supposed to give us?

Look no further than The Posthuman Project.
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[News] Hiatus

To all friends/fans/listeners of Made Of Fail-

You may have noticed we do not have a July episode up. We regret to inform you that George has been let go from the show due to setbacks with his ongoing struggle with alcoholism. He is currently rededicating himself to the Alcoholics Anonymous program and is working incredibly hard to get himself back on track. Unfortunately, actions do have consequences, and we’re afraid this is one of them.

Kevin and I are in talks regarding the future of the flagship podcast, and for now we will be placing it on indefinite hiatus. But don’t fear! Made Of Fail Productions still hosts a number of excellent podcasts and blogs that update frequently, and now is a wonderful time to check them out!

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment and we’ll be happy to answer them. Also we ask that you give George your love and support during this time, because no one in the Made Of Fail family ever stands alone.

Thank you-

[Editorial] What’s Good For Sales Is Not Good For Comics

I have been a DC Comics fangirl for thirty years, and I’ve never been embarrassed by that until now.

Last Saturday was Free Comic Book Day across the U.S. FCBD is traditionally when comics companies, large and small, offer free issues which are designed to entice the reader into buying more of their product (thus benefiting the comic book store) and drawing in new readers. Usually a lot of the offerings are tuned into the latest successes of the properties in other media – there were plenty of Avengers stories for the taking last year, for example.

That’s where DC dropped the ball.

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Announcing: Mailbag Mondays!

Dear friends,

Did you ever want to write in and have your e-mail responded to personally? Did you have a question you wanted answered? Are you having geek-related issues and want to learn from the masters1?

Then you’re in luck! Made of Fail Productions is opening up the Fail Mail to a wider audience, and we’ll be answering your questions and responding to your letters every Monday! Simply write in to, making sure to put [Mailbag Mondays] in the subject header!

Stay tuned Mondays for our new weekly feature!

With all our love,
Kevin and Dayna, Made of Fail Productions

  1. Unfortunately, they are not available, so you have to deal with us.

Meet the Failcrew – Dayna Abel

Hey everyone. I’m Dayna Abel, co-host and PR agent extraordinaire, here for Meet the Failcrew! To sum me up: I’m a proud geekess, happily married, living with the best husband, cats and roommates ever in the ‘burbs of New Orleans. I love a ton of stuff – comics, mostly DC; RPGs, mostly Square Enix’s; pretty much anything Joss Whedon does; horror movies; World Of Warcraft (as of last July); Terry Brooks; David and Leigh Eddings; True Blood; and Wil Wheaton. Annnnnnnnnd GO QUESTIONS GO!

What is your role in Made of Fail Productions?

I am the co-creator and co-host, as well as the Public Relations Manager for Made Of Fail Productions. Usually this consists of plugging the show everywhere I can conceivably do so, be it online, at a convention or at my local comic shop or GameStop. I also scout for potential guests and communicate as often as I can with fans. I try to come up with good topics for the show, as well as horrible episode titles, and I am usually the face of the show as I am way prettier than Kevin. XD
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