[Review] The Flash (2014) – 1×22: “Rogue Air”

This week’s episode absolutely gave us chills. Put your seat backs up and your tray tables in their full upright position, because it’s time to take a look at CW’s The Flash.


Home stretch, my friends. We’re almost at the end of Season One, and while there are quite a few plot threads that need to be resolved, this week’s episode does a great deal towards that end. It has action, it has intrigue, and it has our favorite lounging snow leopard hamming it up the way that only Leonard Snart can.

Despite how packed the episode is, however, it doesn’t feel forced. At least, to me, it doesn’t. It’s a natural progression from A to B to C, and the pacing is phenomenal.

Hold onto your butts.

Though this episode is old, spoiler warnings are in full effect after the cut.
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[Review] The Flash (2014) – 1×21: “Grodd Lives”

Kevin and Bixby are done monkeying around this week. Grab a banana and your tinfoil hat, because it’s time to take a look at CW’s The Flash.


This week, on the Flash: VINDICATION.

At a certain point, this episode became the only reason I stayed on with the recaps. I was looking forward to writing about this. Watching wasn’t so bad the first time through, but as I got deeper into analysis, the show made me angrier and angrier. There were several episodes where I just didn’t want to, and had to force myself through.

Finally, as was inevitable, the truth has emerged, and consequences to follow.

Spoilers under the cut.
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[Review] The Flash (2014) – 1×20: “The Trap”

Kevin and Bixby are shaking off some bad vibes this week. And remember, friends, that future events such as these will affect us in the future, which means it’s time to take a look at CW’s The Flash.


At this point in the series, it’s clear they’ve really hit their stride. There are a lot of plot threads interwoven throughout the episode, but it doesn’t feel bogged down at all. The pacing is superb, and there’s an undercurrent of suspense which carries the entire story along.

More than that, however, is the fact that this episode of The Flash is one of the most stressful episodes to watch. This isn’t a bad thing at all, mind you – it’s stressful in all the right ways – but it’s just so powerful.

Let’s take a closer look at Evil Science Dad, shall we?

Although this episode is old, spoiler warnings are in full effect after the cut.
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[Review] The Flash Episode 1×19: “Who Is Harrison Wells?”

This week brings a shift in our regularly-scheduled programming. Change into something more comfortable and stay a while, because it’s time to take a look at CW’s The Flash.


At its best, this show is light and fun. Even when it’s serious, there’s an element of levity to it that makes it easy to watch.


The gaslighting of Iris West has made it increasingly difficult to enjoy an otherwise delightful show. It weighs heavily on me, and even when it’s not really a focus of the episode (though, at this point, it’s brought up nearly every episode to some extent or another), it still bugs me. It has throughout this season, and I think it’s become incredibly, blindingly clear, if you’ve been following, that I have a real problem with it.

I won’t go into details, because this isn’t the forum, but I have spent years being lied to in the same manner that Iris West is being lied to. Misled, told half-truths, and manipulated with them. It makes me damned twitchy about the subject, as you can imagine. And Iris West is such a great, strong, amazing character that it’s really hard to see the people she loves lying to her constantly. I want her to be happy and loved and able to trust the people she loves the most, and she isn’t, and she can’t.

Iris West deserves better. So does everybody who’s faced the same thing. And I’m gonna keep saying that.

Continued under the cut.
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[Review] The Flash (2014) – 1×18: “All Star Team Up”

This week’s episode is in stark contrast with the rest of the season. Grab your honey and hold them close, because it’s time to take a look at CW’s The Flash.


They say that any show is only as strong as its filler. The Flash is no different, because for an episode that normally would be dismissed as a Monster of the Week, it’s surprisingly solid in plot and characterization.

Moreover, this episode is about trust between teammates, friends, family, and mentors. It’s a recurring theme, but especially here.

Thankfully, we have someone extremely well-versed in the importance of trust between teammates! Because that’s what they’re all about over on Arrow.

Though this episode is old, spoiler warnings are still in effect after the cut.
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[Review] The Flash (2014) – 1×17: “Tricksters”

We’re having a bit of a laugh with how everything’s working out. Grab your lightsaber and brace for exploding dreidels, ’cause we’re taking a look at CBS’s The Flash.


Kidding! Tricked ya! Bet you didn’t see that coming, Flash fans!

Let’s try this again.

Kevin and Bixby have been waiting for this episode all season. Grab a glass of champagne and hold your dads close, ’cause we’re taking a look at CW’s The Flash.


This is a great, fun episode! It also exposes a lot of flaws about the overall plot!

It slices! It dices! It juliennes! It continues under the cut!

(See what I did there? Cut?? Eh???)
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[Review] The Flash (2014) – 1×16: “Rogue Time”

Kevin and Bixby are prepared for a little quality time with family this week. Glide on over and have some punch, because it’s time to take a look at CW’s The Flash.


I’m somewhat upset with Google right now. I bought the S3 Season Pass the same way I bought the S2 one, but it’s not giving me the episodes the morning after so that I can download and watch them on my way to work. The season premiere showed up on Friday afternoon, and as of this writing – Wednesday morning – 3×02 has not yet appeared.2

Yes, I can watch it tonight on the CW App, but that’s not the point. I want these on my Google Play account.1 I paid money for them. Come on, Google, give me a break here. Or even just an explanation.

Ah well. I can wait a few days. Just means I’ll have to avoid everyone else’s hot takes.

Speaking of hot takes, Cisco is in handcuffs this episode and Heat Wave punches him in the face.

Though this episode is old, spoiler warnings are still in effect after the cut.
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[Review] The Flash (2014) – 1×15: “Out of Time”

This week’s episode has just absolutely blown us away. Drop your clocks and grab your socks, because it’s time to take a look at CW’s The Flash.


As a note, before we begin, I want to say that I started to go ahead and catch up on the show. I didn’t see that going into the episodes blind was having any impact on my reviews, positive or negative, and I really wanted to watch the show, so I went with the “eh, screw it” school of thought.

There’s a lot to talk about, so spoilers under the cut.
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[Review] The Flash (2014) – 1×14: “Fallout”

Kevin and Bixby have their marching orders. Grab some pizza and make yourselves comfortable, because it’s time to take a look at CW’s The Flash.


The problem with two-parters that aren’t really two-parters is that they still feel like the second half of a story. This is not normally an issue, of course – there’s nothing inherently wrong with two-part episodes – but it does bring the issue of having to make the continuation of the base storyline also self-contained, to stand on its own.

“Fallout” does a pretty good job of it, all things considered, but it really is dependent on the previous episode, more so than any other episode in a serialized drama. I feel like they should have just called it a two-parter and been done with it.

Then again, even with more obvious continuations, they still don’t do that with the titles. The closest they come is in the Season Two mega-crossover that also sets up the soon-to-be-spun-off Legends of Tomorrow: “Legends of Yesterday” and “Legends of Today,” respectively.1

Let’s take a closer look at the fallout from last week’s episode oh I just got that.

Though this episode is old, spoiler warnings are still in effect after the cut.
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[Review] The Flash (2014) – 1×13: “The Nuclear Man”

Kevin and Bixby are burning up with excitement for this week’s episode. Try not to bite off more than you can chew, because it’s time to take a look at CW’s The Flash.


One of the reasons that I like The Flash so much is that its characters seem very real. I have met people like Cisco, like Caitlin, like Joe, like Barry (minus the super-speed). The way Barry interacts with his friends and family and colleagues and even his enemies is believable – he acts like a real person. An idealized real person, but he feels real. When we say a character is relatable, we don’t just mean that they seem like us, but that they seem real like us.

The show doesn’t have a 100% success rate. Sometimes the characters step out of “real” into “dude, what?” Harrison Wells sometimes seems to be taking his cues from Snidely Whiplash.

The character whom the show fails the most often, does the most harm to, and treats much more like a lamp with a name tag than any other character is Iris West.

Spoilers under the cut.
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