I have a love/hate relationship with “the holidays.” In my childhood and well beyond I would have a ball around Christmas wearing my Santa hat, singing songs, and readily become filled with warm fuzzies. I enjoyed watching the lights from my Christmas tree (multicolored lights, thank you,) dance on the ceiling and hung my Star Trek and Ninja Turtle ornaments proudly. Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men, I bought into the whole schtick. Over the past decade though something slowly happened. Perhaps I became an adult. I no longer revel in Christmas cheer. I see it as a potentially stressful time. What used to put a grin on my face now has a fair chance of giving my big ol’ depressive self a case of the sads. Basically somewhere in mid November I gird myself to just “get through the holidays.” But there is still a small part of me that wishes Christmas could be the way it used to be.
Basically I should be looking over my shoulder for Krampus.