To our dear readers:
After the latest horror show that is CW Behind the Scenes – namely, the news that Ruby Rose was bullied, harassed, and abused while on Batwoman; revealed the incredibly unsafe working conditions; and named names while doing so – the Made of Fail review team has opted to go on indefinite hiatus while we decide the future of our CW superhero show reviews.
We do not make this decision lightly. Not only are reviews basically our only content at the moment, but we all genuinely love the shows. It saddens and angers us that the entertainment which gives us so much joy is being produced under abhorrent and abusive conditions. The Batwoman news is only the latest such story of abuses under the Warner Bros. umbrella, but it’s definitely the last straw for some of us.
We at Made of Fail ask that you all support the IATSE and other unions in the entertainment industry to ensure safe working conditions for all.