As we mentioned last post, our dear friend Emily has had experimental eye surgery. It was an expensive procedure, and friends from all over have donated to help her.
Unfortunately, the payment information has changed somewhat. Instead of spreading out the costs over time, the hospital is demanding the entire cost by the end of the month.
To help Emily with this, a Donation Auction was set up. Please take a look over there and bid on any items or services that appeal to you; it’s for a good cause.
That’s not all!
To further help this cause, we here at Made of Fail have set up individual auctions in Emily’s name.
Dayna is offering an autographed copy of Sunken Treasure, by Wil Wheaton.
Kevin has committed himself to beginning Straight Guy Reviews of Bad Romance Novels, with the first one chosen by the auction winner.
That’s still not all!
Made of Fail has gotten into the action, by offering up all of the following prizes:
- Guest-appearance on the January episode of the Made of Fail Podcast! (Website/LiveJournal/Twitter) The episode will even be about your favorite subject!
- A huge thank you on November’s episode, and I will also read aloud YOUR PERSONAL MESSAGE on the air!
- A Made of Fail pin designed by
foresthouse for the 2010 Emerald City Comic Con (blurry picture). This will come with a hand-written thank-you card!
Please check out foresthouseeyes for details on how to bid for these wonderful prizes!