Last October, I made a post about my mother’s upcoming AVON Walk for Breast Cancer. I had asked for donations for her walk, and though the official rally for donations hadn’t yet started, she was overwhelmed by your positive responses.
January has rolled around, and her donation drive has kicked into full swing. I know many of you have already kicked in a few dollars to this cause, and she and I thank you for it. For those of you who may not have been around for it, or who wanted to donate but did not have the spare cash, I would like to offer the chance once again to help my mother on her five-year victory lap.

My mother is one of the strongest (if not the strongest) women I know. It was her influence that shaped the man I am today, and I am grateful – now, more than ever – that she has been in my life thus far, and will continue to be for quite some time.
I’m not sure what to say about her that hasn’t already been said at one point. I’ve gushed – both here and on the podcast – about how she was the one to get me into science fiction and fantasy, who took me to see Star Wars the first time in theaters back in 1997, and who made sure I had a healthy appreciation for Star Trek: The Next Generation when it was on, first-run. I’ve mentioned her near-fanatical love of baseball, and how she took me to my first Cubs game when I was very little, and makes sure to take me once or twice every summer. For someone who doesn’t think about baseball very much, these trips are still the best thing in the world, and I look forward to them every time because going to a ball game with my mother is a crapload of fun.

It really is the least I can do to put this link up once more, and I honestly do hope that you’ll consider kicking even a few dollars into this cause. I will also have the link up in the sidebar until the drive has closed, and look for myself and Tessa to be in the Volunteer Crew this walk, as well! I’ll have my video camera with me, and we’ll have some fun footage to put up after the Walk in June.
My mother’s Donation Page
How this money is spent.

One last note.
My mother has sent thank you notes to everyone who has donated thus far, except one person, who I recognize as a listener of Made of Fail. The e-mail that was provided on the note was invalid, so it bounced back without being delivered. Neither of us wanted to leave it at that, so to Wojciech Szafranek, who also left a very sweet note on the donation, my mother would like to say the following:
Thank you so much for your donation. It is very much appreciated and will help a great deal.