Followers, readers, listeners, and general friends, I owe a lot to my mother. I’ve mentioned multiple times that I am a second-generation geek; most of my sci-fi and fantasy fandoms were inherited from her. She was the one who took me to see Star Wars re-released in 1997, who introduced me to the wide variety of Star Trek on television, and who watched Farscape and Buffy with me first run. She attended my first ever stand-up comedy performance, helped me through some recent financial difficulties, and has been – for many years – my first advisor for anything that troubles me.

Five years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It had been caught early by her doctor, and through treatment and the support of her family and friends, she was able to force it very quickly into remission. Shortly afterwards, she registered for the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer, and walked in it with her friend and fellow cancer survivor Mandy. Every year since, they have registered for the crew, but next year they will be ready to walk again.
Five years, after all, is the mark that doctors pronounce you clean. While they do plan on making the walk every five years, this one is especially important to them. It’s a “victory lap” of sorts.
Tessa and I will be taking their places on the crew next year while they walk, but first they need to raise the money. To participate in the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer, she must raise $1,800. (How this money is spent.)
My mother has done so much for me over the years. There are few things I can do for her in return, but this is one of them: I will be donating to her walk in 2012, and I would like to add the support of Made of Fail Productions behind her.
Please consider donating for this worthwhile cause. Any amount, no matter how small, goes towards her $1,800 goal. Even a single dollar helps.
Thank you for your consideration.
Kevin O’Shea
Made of Fail Productions
Kevin: What a beautiful tribute to your mom (and my friend).