eversion, Part 3 – Insert Ending Here.
And the nightmarish journey finally ends! And then, uh, ends again! And then two more times after that! I… I’m done now, right?
This video marks the last time I’m using Windows Movie Maker to edit stuff (although it won’t be the last video I post that has been edited with the program, there’s one more video effectively ready to go up that’s already been edited with it also that’s waiting on a few more things to be ready). I’ve played with Sony Vegas a bit now, and it was used to make the end sequence for this, which would have been possible in WMM, but would likely have taken ten times as much work to do, and I can pretty safely say it beats the everloving crap out of the old way I was doing this. So with any luck, it’ll mean future videos will be that much better (or if nothing else, take less effort on my part to put together).