Mailbag Mondays is a weekly feature of Made of Fail Productions. Send in your questions, comments, and thoughts to made_of_fail@yahoo.com! Kevin takes your letters this week.
Why is this not being spread around the internet? Puppets reviewing horror movies! Come on, people!
Breanna writes:
I’ve apparently started watching Doctor Who around the same time Dayna did (when she mentioned Blink, I looked into it). I’ve just finished season three with its little OMGWTF little twist of information at the end there. I will definitely go back and listen to the Doctor Who podcast. Which season was on when that episode was recorded? It was 37 (though if there are other DW eps of MoF I’ll definitely look into them). I dismissed DW for a while before I sat down and watched Blink and I’m so glad I started watching it. (And yes, when I watched Doomsday I cried like a baby.)
That was Season Five, also known as the Matt Smith and Karen Gillian Comedy Hour (feat. Rory Williams: Kid Awesome).
Here’s the thing about New Who. Russell T. Davies was the Lead Writer and Executive Producer for Seasons 1-4, and any time you watched an episode he wrote, you’d better be prepared to cry. Same as with any episode written by Stephen Moffat was the scariest thing in the world.
Season Five passes the helm to Stephen Moffat, and you will know what true terror is.
Breanna continues:
Here’s something like a question: I know many of you all are Whedon fans. I saw Buffy a few years ago and fell in love and this past summer I saw Charmed. Have you guys seen Charmed? I noticed a lot of similarities between Buffy and Charmed (Charmed is basically Buffy light that gets to be happy sometimes) and I’ve been mentally structuring a comparative paper on the two. Thoughts?
I watched Charmed with my mother, and it’s definitely quirky and fun, with interesting storylines, fun takes on mythology and supernatural aspects, and since it’s an Aaron Spelling show the girls look fabulous. Piper is my hero, personally.
Of course, I think it suffers about halfway through when the core cast goes through a few changes, and afterwards it gets far more silly than poignant, and not for the better, but there are still some worthwhile stories in there.
My mother asks:
With the Radio Dramas being licensed material, aren’t you worried about copyrights and being sued?
The first two Radio Dramas fall under the category of fan creations, which is in the grey area of copyright law. Basically, if the copyright holders don’t want anyone doing it, they have every right to put a stop to it. Paramount in particular is really cool about letting people create their own Star Trek stories – provided it’s clear that A: no money is being made off it and B: that it is, in fact, a fan production. You’ll notice that there are no Project Wonderful ads on the sites, and both the main information pages and the end credits of the episodes themselves will have the copyright information clearly stated.
As I said, Paramount is cool about it. I’m hoping GAINAX is also, but we’re playing it safe and respectful.
“Here’s the thing about New Who. Russell T. Davies was the Lead Writer and Executive Producer for Seasons 1-4, and any time you watched an episode he wrote, you’d better be prepared to cry. Same as with any episode written by Stephen Moffat was the scariest thing in the world.”
Don’t forget Journey’s End and The End of Time. You don’t know what crying fuel is till you’ve reached those.
Also, Moffat’s pretty damn good at the emotional stuff, too…The Girl in the Fireplace was creepy as shit, but it had one of the sadder Who endings of the newer years. The past two seasons also gave us some great Amy/Rory tearjerking moments.
And, c’mon – “Just this once, EVERYBODY LIVES!”