[Anglo-Filles] Episode 10 – Power rangers on very expensive acid

Kayleigh’s back! She regales Alina, Reidan with her tales of Swedish vampires as performed by Scots and then the Filles proceed through the Breach into the dimension of the Summer Blockbusters. The Squee! The Good Enough! The …Eh. Was the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by these sons of Hollywood? Listen to episode 10 of Anglo-Filles to find out.

Click here to listen.

[Anglo-Filles] Episode 9 – Incredibly Candy Colored, Extremely Depressing

Kayleigh, sadly, had more glamorous things to do this month than record a podcast (make sure to ask her about Swedish vampires as done by Scots). Meanwhile, Alina and Reidan have decided that one Hugo nominee is just not enough and have decided to see if I can just snare the entire Hugo ballot. We get a good start with Seanan McGuire, nominated a record 5 times this year!

So, a zombie, and a cryptid walk into a bar and the bartender goes, “What are you doing with that tapeworm?” (“Alina, what are you talking about?!” – Listen to find out!)

Click here to listen to the new episode of Anglo-Filles.

[Anglo-Filles] Episode 6 – Austenpalooza 2013

It is a truth universally acknowledged… Yeah, insert your own podcasting/Austen pun here.

Hey, Jane Austen was a writer and she wrote books. And then people took these books and wrote more books (inserting zombies, seamonsters, and platypuses), made TV shows, and movies. Let the Anglo-filles tell you all about it!

Click here to listen to the new episode of Anglo-Filles.