As the title suggests, a new Second Time Around begins! This one is going to be taking a look at the original Age of Apocalypse event that occurred in the X-men comics of the 90s.
Head on over to the Second Time Around blog to read all the details!
As the title suggests, a new Second Time Around begins! This one is going to be taking a look at the original Age of Apocalypse event that occurred in the X-men comics of the 90s.
Head on over to the Second Time Around blog to read all the details!
Frannie deals with telling her mother about the new hope for humanity, a new character appears, and Larry gets eaten. Read More
In which the title needs no context. Read More
In which more people get sick, and the shelf-life of a rockstar. Read more…
We’re all doomed! Oh, and there are babies.
A new Second Time Around project exploring Stephen King’s other seminal epic, The Stand
Madness and a lot of Tamaki-Smashing awaits you in this episode of Ouran. Join me for a Clash of the Divas, between Tamaki Suou and Kick-Ass Cross-dresser, Ryoji Fujioka~!
Ouran High School Host Club-One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
In this post, the review humbly offers up a full chapter AND a Bonus Episode so you don’t kill her for ending on a Cliff-Hanger chapter. Nosy Hosts, Annoyed Haruhi, and Fabulous Fujioka Ryoji…Kampai!
Ouran High School Host Club-Warm Fuzzies Have Eaten My Brain
Welcome to Ouran High School Host Club’s Hallowe’en episode, in which the Twins’ dickery runs rampant, Tamaki shows the Cullens how a REAL Glitter-pire does it, and Mori is a Giant Puppy. Kick back with a Hallowe’en cookie and a Jack’O’Lantern for this Episode of Glorious Shenanigans~!
Ouran High School Host Club-Hikaru! Kaoru! You have some ‘splainin’ to DO!
New post on Second Time Around!
“[Red Pen Reads] Wrapping up A Game of Thrones and future plans”
Post-book thoughts on the “second time around” experience and plans for future rereads.