Hi! Oh my gosh, it’s so great to see you! I mean I was just sitting here thinking “you know who it’d be awesome to see?” and my first answer was Chuck Testa but THEN I thought it’d be even better if it was the Ice Cream Truck man because who doesn’t want ice cream from a truck? I mean, it’s like normal ice cream, only it’s from a truck! And it’s in the shape of awesome fun characters and has little gumballs for eyes which is maybe a little gross when you really think about it cause its like eww I’m eating these character’s eyes but they’re really yummy so I kind of just ignore it.
Huh? Oh! Yeah! And then you all showed up! Isn’t that great? What? You want to know stuff about me? Really? Sure!
I’m Tessa Jerz, and I do random stuff for the things. I also may or may not be a pony, and one who is considerably hyped up on caffeine and sugar at any given moment.
What is your role in Made of Fail Productions?
I’m one of the writers for Deconstructing Moya, and I run a fledgling World of Warcraft podcast called The Reliquary. I’m also on the main show from time to time, usually annoying everyone with my total fangirlish obsession with my various fandoms.
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