[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 4.06 – “Natural Election”

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Natural Election

When observing a wormhole, Moya is caught by a ship-eating fungus that drifts through space. As it tears its way through the Leviathan, the crew tries to balance repairing the ship with repairing their own relationships…

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 4.05 – “Promises”

New post at Deconstructing Moya!


Upon returning to Moya, Crichton and company are immediately greeted by Aeryn. Unfortunately, she’s extremely ill, getting worse, and is being hunted across the Unknown Regions. What’s worse is that she’s not alone…

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 4.04 – “Lava’s a Many Splendored Thing”

New post at Deconstructing Moya!

Lava’s a Many Splendored Thing

In which our heroes find themselves with a case of Noranti-induced food poisoning and make an emergency pit stop on an inhospitable volcanic world. Rygel’s treasure finding sense tingles, and he stumbles across a vast trove of someone’s treasure. Naturally, there are traps, thieves, and a neat new technology.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 4.03 – “What Was Lost Part II: Resurrection”

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What Was Lost Part II: Resurrection

Crichton survives his cliff jump and he and the others go on to wrestle a gillman, witness the funeral of Scorpius, beat Grayza at her own bondage game, kamikaze a Leviathan, and bring a new age of healing and hope to an entire planet. Oh, and Crichton finally gets Winona back.

[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 4.02 – “What Was Lost Part I: Sacrifice”

New post at Deconstructing Moya!

What Was Lost Part I: Sacrifice

Crichton meets back with D’Argo, Jool, and Nana Peepers at an Interion archaeological digsite. The secrets of the galaxy are poised to unfold, but the Peacekeepers – led by Commandant Grayza – arrive to put a hitch in the operation.

By Popular Demand: Crichton Kicks – Tessa’s First Draft

We bring you the unedited initial submission for Tessa’s segment in this week’s Deconstructing Moya post.

“Note to self – I apparently need to turn Ponify off when writing things like emails and forum messages. It’s only supposed to fake-replace words on sites, but its apparently replacing things as I’m typing them and while amusing and fun most of the time, its… probably not a great idea to have happen.”

    @alliancesjr: Damn it, now I have to go on an entire search-and-replace mission because SOMEPONY left her pony replace pony addon running pony. #TESSA
    @sonozakitwins: It’s not my fault! Actually it totally is, but I’m going to SAY it’s not my fault!

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[Deconstructing Moya] Episode 4.01 – “Crichton Kicks”

New post at Deconstructing Moya!

Crichton Kicks

John has managed to survive by finding a dying Leviathan to call home. He’s close to cracking the wormhole code and may have a way home… until a ship crashes into the Leviathan and destroys a good portion of his research. The newcomer is running from an organization that hunts and harvests Leviathan bits, and they’re fast approaching…