In which the group goes to Las Pegasus and loses a bunch of money, and in which they find Twilight being taken care of by a suicidal old man.
…that sounds way creepy now that I actually think about it.
In which the group goes to Las Pegasus and loses a bunch of money, and in which they find Twilight being taken care of by a suicidal old man.
…that sounds way creepy now that I actually think about it.
In which the group goes on a road trip to find Twilight, and technical difficulties ensue. Also Fluttershy is a helper.
So many recording issues with this one. I don’t even really know why. In any case, I included what I was able to salvage out of the other recording attempts at the end of this one for fun (including the bit of Fluttershy joining and then immediately abandoning the team). Hopefully it’s just a one-off problem and not a recurring issue.
In which everypony meets back up in Neighshe, Discord makes his attack, and Pinkie and Trixie save the day. No, I’m not playing favorites at all, why do you ask?
This should be the last video to have the desynch issue (hopefully). It was also the one I was most worried about, because I’m humming along to the music almost the entire time. It doesn’t seem to be as glaring an issue as I was worried it would be, though, so hopefully it’s not a big deal. Regardless, we should be good after this one. Fingers crossed.
In which Luna, Fluttershy, and Applejack get themselves stuck on a ghost train, and antics ensue.
Yes, I know the train suplex meme has been done to death. I don’t care.
The audio desynch is still a thing, and will be for another part after this still. I’ll be recording on a separate track from the game on future recordings, though, so that should be fixed after that. Fortunately it’s not too jarring in this one (it just means when I hum along with the music it doesn’t match up with what’s playing).
In which Fluttershy is a ninja and Applejack is a samurai. I’m okay with this!
The audio went slightly out of sync towards the end on this one. I’m hoping that didn’t happen to the entire batch of recordings this time around, or else it’s going to be the case for the next two episodes also. Oh well, there’s an argument for recording the audio on separate tracks, I suppose. Live and learn!
So happy to have finally gotten Trixie on the team. Not only because she’s one of my favorite characters, but I actually have some semblance of an idea of how to act out her voice (whether or not it’s any good is another story, but one thing at a time).
In which Twilight returns to Neighshe, and Tessa proves she can’t navigate her way out of a paper bag.
So I lied about this being the Applebloom episode. She’s next, I promise.
Luna rocks the party. Hyah!
The gang officially joins the New Lunar Republic, and then they take a raft ride! All goes well until that pesky octopus shows up.
We’re back down to a reasonable length! And coming up is one of my favorite parts of the game. Isn’t this exciting?! Are you excited, cause I’m excited, I’ve never been so excited- well, except for that time…
Saddle up and get your controllers ready, it’s time for more Pony Fantasy 6!
In this episode, we stop by Canterlot City, before tracking down a rather noisy member of the royal family…
In the interest of keeping the video lengths down (this one actually edged near the hour mark pre-edit, after I said I wanted them to be around 15-20 minutes! Yikes!), I’ll be trimming out the “boring bits” of the recordings from now on. Mostly things like random encounters where nothing of note is happening, or poking around town and buying supplies. Trust me, I won’t be cutting out anything that would be missed. ;D
Pony Fantasy 6 is a rom-hack of Final Fantasy 6. More information can be found here.