[1PStart] Pony Fantasy 6, Part 22!

Pony Fantasy 6, Part 22 – In Which We Stall For Time

Gilda and Discord have summoned the Floating Continent and have made it to the statues, and it’s up to our heroes to chase them down as fast as possible to stop them before it’s too late!

…but not before letting Pinkie play for hours in the Veldt. And spending ludicrous amounts of money in a high-brow auction house. And chasing down invisible monsters. I mean, these things are important, you know?


[1PStart] Pony Fantasy 6, Part 21!

The group arrives at Crescent Island to try to track down the espers, but they aren’t sure where to start looking. A dressmaker in town seems to know more than she’s letting on, but how can they sway such fabulosity to their side?

Oh, and Ultros is back again. You just can’t keep a good octopus down!


[1PStart] Pony Fantasy 6, Part 20!

The Espers that Twilight and friends released have gone on a rampage! Luckily, Emperor Gilda claims to have seen the error of her ways, and is offering to end her war if Twilight will help get the Espers to calm down. Sounds good to me! Just because we’ve made a string of terrible decisions up to now doesn’t mean that things can’t turn around oh Celestia we’re going to die, aren’t we?


[1PStart] Pony Fantasy 6, Part 19!

Twilight and friends make their way through a stupid cave with stupid monsters in it to open up the gate to the Esper world to unleash their wrath upon ponykind! It might get them the added oomph they need to beat the Empire, or there’s a teeny tiiiiiny little chance that the very pissed off super magical powered beings will cause untold destruction and bring about the end of the world.

Personally, I like our chances.


[1P Start] Pony Fantasy 6, Part 17!

In which we (finally) make our escape from the Imperial capital, and Twilight learns the full story behind her past.

But not before Discord throws one last boss fight at us. Because we didn’t have enough of those packed into this dungeon yet.


Exposition dump time! But I guess that makes up for the super long dungeon we just had to get through.

[1P Start] Pony Fantasy 6, Part 16!

In which the group continues their infiltration of the Magitek Factory, and ultimately fail to save any of the Espers. Was the whole thing being orchestrated by Trixie and Discord the whole time?

Of course not. But for the sake of adding drama and tension to the story, we’re going to pretend to buy into that idea for a while.


I forgot just how long the factory was, and how many boss fights it involved, and just how long some of those fights could drag on. There’s still yet another upcoming boss fight involved with the area before the group ultimately escapes. @.@

[1P Start] Pony Fantasy 6, Part 15!

In which the group recruits Rainbow Dash to play taxi for them, and then they go sneak into the Imperial capital city. What could be more simple?


This video was an hour and a half pre-edit. Walking around the Imperial continent took FOREEEEEEEEVER. I skipped the entirety of Alhoof, Mareanda, and Baltimare in the video (aside from what was included at the end), mostly because it was waaaay too long including them, but also because absolutely nothing of any interest happened there aside from just being destinations to buy things before going into Stalliongrad.

[1P Start] Pony Fantasy 6, Part 14!

In which the group makes Trixie sing opera. It’s so they can get an airship. I’m sure you see the connection there.

Also, the return of Ultros!


I’ve been told by a few people that they actually want to see me die during these, so, uh, I’ll be including those kinds of things at the end now. So, uh, have fun with that.