written by Jamus

Here’s an analogy for you. Let’s suppose you’ve got a serious jones (heh) for cookie dough ice cream. Let’s suppose you’ve been hearing advertisements for said frozen treat all day, and now after a hard day’s work, you’ve arrived at your local ice-cream-getting-place (Dairy Queen, Cold Stone, whatever) to get some. But then the person who is serving up that sweet stuff says “Oh, we have it. But we can’t let you have any until next week because we want to get rid of all this butterscotch first.”
Now, butterscotch is still a fine option in the land of iced creams. You can still go home reasonably satisfied with what you have to work with. But it’s the principle of the matter. They have what you want in the back, but they just won’t serve it until an arbitrary time limit has passed, and not until they clean out the rest of the stuff on the shelf.
That’s basically how I felt after I finished watching this episode. Grab yourself something sweet to snack on and let’s find out what went wrong in Episode 11 of Marvel’s Jessica Jones.
No big spoilers, but a big fight. That’s okay, right? You guys are cool with that?
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