Episode 38 is live!
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Thank you so much to our listener George for joining us! George was the winner of the http://foresthouseeyes.livejournal.com/ charity auction and now owns one-sixteenth of Emily’s eyes. :)
HEY KEVIN IS GETTING MARRIED! Feel free to congratulate him and/or express your sympathies to Trekkiegirl. <3 Made Of Fail has a family and didn't even bother getting married first, the hoor. Please check out Noel and Evie’s podcast I Hate/Love Remakes, and feel free to also mosey on over to Straight Guy Reviews Of Bad Romance Novels as well as the Farscape rewatch project Deconstructing Moya.
For more on this wacky adventure called LARPing, check out its article on our dear friend Wikipedia. Also, because we’re required now: “Lightning Bolt!”
CONVENTIONS! We do not have a table or anything like that and are simply lowly attendees, but Made Of Fail personages will be at a few conventions this year! Dayna will be wandering around Wizard World New Orleans on January 29th and 30th. Kevin and Dayna and Tessa, along with other notables, will be at C2E2 in Chicago from March 18th through the 20th. Finally, Kevin will be appearing as Moist von Lipwig at NADWCon 2011 in Madison, WI from July 8th through the 11th. Feel free to say hello if you run into any of us!
CHARITIES! In honor of our listener Sophie and her mother, please consider making a donation to Breakthrough.org.uk, which is the United Kingdom’s leading charity committed to fighting breast cancer.
Finally, remember how we keep promising merchandise, and how it’s become vapormerch at this point? Yes, well, we are working on a logo! Please let us know whether you prefer Beta One or Beta Two!
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email us at madeoffailpod@gmail.com, or send us a message on Twitter: @made_of_fail.
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