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Thanks again to Cleolinda for joining us! Unfortunately, due to connection issues early on, much of the audio is slightly distorted, but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
Also, apologies to any of our Mormon listeners.
Movies In Fifteen Minutes, by Cleolinda Jones. Distributed by Amazon.co.uk, but don’t worry, it ships state-side. Contains recaps not on the Movies In Fifteen Minutes LJ Community.
The soundtrack to Hamlet 2 is available through iTunes! Contains the instant classics “Rock Me Sexy Jesus,” “Raped In the Face,” and “You’re As Gay As the Day Is Long.”
Voldemort Hath No Fury Like Angry Harry Potter Fans – studio delays movie, gets death threats; “I hope you choke on your own saliva.”
Cleolinda’s Twilight Discussion Entries, organized in a neat link-by-link fashion! Start your sparklemotion from the very beginning!
We can’t believe he found it, but the book Kevin referred to is Vampires, Werewolves, and Ghouls, available on Amazon.
Zero Punctuation over at Escapist Magazine. Thanks, Quickstar! (Also, “Gabe’s Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.”)
Update on Travis Barker and DJ-AM’s condition (since this show was recorded on Saturday) – critical but stable.
Musicians, test your composition skills on music for “Someone On the Internet Is Wrong,” and send them in! The best ones will be aired on a future episode!
One of the oldest running webcomics out there (alongside Sluggy Freelance) is Schlock Mercenary! Check it out if you have not already done so.
Why Stuff Is Awesome: The Vitamin String Quartet. Tribute albums available from their website, or through download on iTunes. Sample of the expanded songs by Vitamin Records: The Rolling Stones’ “Paint It Black,” fully orchestrated.
Music used in this episode:
“Clocks” covered by the Vitamin String Quartet
“Heart Shaped Box” covered by the Vitamin String Quartet
“Sweet Child O’ Mine” covered by the Vitamin String Quartet
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